Tis the season of weddings <3

Three Saturdays from now marks our second wedding of this year.  My cousin is marrying in WI (excited for a small roadtrip!) and we’ll be contributing to a potluck reception in the park afterward.  This will be a very different wedding, but promising lots of fun!  Our gift is a fun surprise which I can’t go into detail…even though I don’t think he (or she) follows my blog.  So you’ll have to wait to hear about it until after the wedding.  My dress that I will be wearing is a lovely blue summer dress.  I found it at GoodWill (another one of my favorites) for $6.  The necklace I will be wearing was yet another from Goodwill, one I had actually wanted to buy a week or two before I actually bought it.  I was surprised it was still there-and it worked with my dress!!  God must have saved it for me!

I was brainstorming at work today-gasp!, I know.  And I think I’ve come up with the most perfect craft fair plan (with the help of my mom).  I designed this wall thing to go all around the booth, hang some tulle down from it to give it a sheer curtain.  This will help enclose our booth and eliminate distraction from other booths.  It will be more personal.  I have figured out a plastic crate and plywood system for tables on each side.  Then in the back I can have a coat rack displaying the scarves, hangers and hats.  My mom suggested using PVC piping (cheap too!!!) to make it extra easy and light to transport.  And the crates can lift up the tables and CARRY our product to and from.  No extra luggage or boxes needed!!!!!  I’ll see if I can upload a sketch I made.  Can you tell I’m excited?  Duh!

2013 Booth Sketch
2013 Booth Sketch

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